Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a marketing method that uses online platforms like search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc), social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, etc), email, and other websites that are available on the webspace.

You can also say that there is not a big difference between traditional marketing and online marketing and because in both the marketing method after all you sell your services or products to the online users.

You may see Flipkart, Amazon, and other company’s ads on Facebook and other social media channels.

They are using digital marketing strategies to sell their products online because there is a large numbers of users that are present online nowadays.

Likewise, they also use search engines to represent themselves when a user searches for a product on the internet. This method of marketing is especially pitched to connect the current online customer and potential online users.

This is also called internet marketing, e-marketing, web marketing, online marketing. It allows businesses to connect their potential customers worldwide.

Why Digital Marketing Matters?

Just think, why do Google, Facebook, and other social engaging platforms generate more revenues than other traditional marketing companies? This is because of their digital presence on the internet and they know the current market.

They know their customer’s behavior, their purchasing habit, and all other things so that they can sell their products easily according to their customer.

When any user purchases things online they leave their data like name, contact number, email, address, etc. Therefore it’s very easy to advertise online again to your existing customers.

You can also send text messages, emails your customers about the new products you have, and ask them to purchase that.

This is very important in digital marketing that you must know about your engaged audience, how they are using your services or purchasing products from you.

So that you can analyze your sales and for this, you strongly need a good knowledge of digital marketing.

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

Well, to know how online marketing works just imagine the last purchase you made. Or just imagine that you need a new mobile phone so what do you do?

In traditional purchasing, you will go to marketing then visit something about five or more shops for the same mobile and gets their price from every shop and then compare all the things you get from those shops. isn’t it?

Even doing so many things you will not buy it for instance right because you have to discuss this phone’s quality, pricing, functions, and all with your friends or your parents.

Again after one or two days, you will go and now buy that phone actually. This is the real case example that actually happens for most people.

Let’s discuss when you purchase online

But in online purchasing, time when you open Google and search for a mobile phone that you want, it will display thousand of results for that particular phone and you can choose it according to your comfort.

Every company that is available online to sell their product, know-how people search for products and how to display effectively on multiple search engines and social media too.

They give you some offers, cashback, gifts, and other attractive things so that you can attract them and make purchases from them.

Everything is in front of you in real-time, also you can compare multiple shops and their price at your home, take instant decisions, and consult at your home about the phone that you are going to buy or not.

Even after all these things, if you didn’t buy this time when you are looking for, then those companies will display the ads of that same phone at different prices on different days.

This means they are following you regularly and insist you buy from them. So Anyone can get a beneficial response and relationships with this online marketing strategy.

Hope you have understood from this long example now.

Also, there is a big difference in the expenses on traditional marketing and digital marketing. Of Course, online marketing is much and much cheaper than traditional.

What is the role of online marketing for a company?

As you know traditional marketing includes banner ads or print ads on highways and crowded areas, phone communication, door to door marketing, but digital marketing only exists on the internet.

This means that there are infinite possibilities for companies or brands including websites, emails, videos, social media-based marketing opportunities.

Although normal or conventional marketing consist of print ads, telephonic conversation, direct meetings but online marketing uses the internet only. 

Therefore in this marketing method, there is no end to doing marketing of your products as the number of users is endless on the internet whether it is on search engines or on social media.

This means digital marketing could be a vital factor for your business whether you are promoting the products, services or increasing your brand awareness worldwide.

What Are the Benefits?
Having a broad digital presence will help you in these ways:
  • It makes it easier to create brand awareness for your business.
  • You can engage with your potential customer regularly as the maximum number of customers uses smartphones these days.
  • You can market more and more products and services digitally because more consumers are researching and buying products online.
  • Marketing via digital channels offers more affordable than the traditional method. It takes a low budget.
Big categories of online marketing are:
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) 
  • Google Ads or PPC
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Email marketing

Instead of all this marketing, brands also use whats app marketing to promote and sell their products. When you have whats app contact your customer then it is useful to do whats app markeitng.

In the all above-mentioned categories, one thing is common that in every marketing platform, you promote your brand online.

If you found this information useful let us know in the comments section below. We love to hear from you.

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