If you are looking for how to make money online, then you are at the right place because financial freedom is the greatest way of living.
Online earning is trending these days. Many people who are working in a company are also doing part-time work to improve their lifestyle or as their hobby of doing some other work.
Hence, some interesting ways of earning are there from which one can easily earn. You can even do these online jobs as your full-time work and can quit your 9 to 5 job when you think you are doing good in it.
So the very first question that comes to our mind is how to earn money online and what could be the best ways to get online income.
Also, we think that what could be the best ways to make money online for beginners? isn’t it?
Many websites that i research and found on the internet for the same topic are taking the same like how to make money online and just telling about some resources.
I am pretty much sure that beginners can never understand those resources because they don’t know those platforms, how they work, how to work on them, etc.
So in this post, we will talk about some interesting ways to make money online for beginners and go up to advanced level earning, including how you can work on these platforms.
Now first we will first discuss the beginner-level work that one can easily do even if you are not well skilled in any specialization.
1. Content Writing: The easiest way to make money online

If you are a beginner and don’t know how to start content writing, then don’t worry about that just keep one thing in mind i.e. “DON’T OVER THINKING, JUST START FROM RIGHT NOW”
Some tips i am gonna share with you that might be useful for you to start as a content writer.
Please note that this is not a single-day game. You have to learn a lot of things about the content industry, how to create content, what type of content you can create, what could be the audience for your content, and also the geographical location if you are creating some kind of special content.
There are several steps that we have to follow before finalizing a task. Looking tricky, right? I can understand your point here, but I will let you clarify more with an example.
Let’s suppose you are a newbie and don’t know a single word about content writing. With my suggestion, you are going to start travel & tourism content writing which is the easiest content writing work that anyone can do, no expertise is required in starting.
Step 1: To find your niche (category) to write content
This is your first step towards writing content, So let’s start from here, Now you have selected your niche (category) i.e. Travel & Tourism and you have to create content for this niche. Now, what’s next?
Step No. 2: To find the platforms on which you will publish your content
There are several platforms available on the internet where you can publish your work for free. There is no need to spend money. Just learn in starting and publish your content frequently.
Also, keep an eye on the other writers that how they write, how they use keywords, and how they use their catchy headlines to grab more attention from the readers.
Some free platforms that you can use are
Best for newbies, you can start writing just after creating your account on medium. medium is said to be the biggest platform for readers and writers. Just read some articles after signing in, and you will definitely be amazed that what content could do.
If you can write good content you can also monetize your articles on medium and hence start online earning from content writing on medium. Millions of people write and monetize their articles just on medium and earn millions of dollars every month.
Quora is a community where people ask some questions about what they don’t know and hence other people give their answers. Here you can also create your account and space and start publishing your work.
Like medium, quora has its own monetization program from which you can monetize your post and article if you are getting some good views on your content.
These two platforms are my preferred choice for those who can start writing and learn content writing.
Step No. 3: To publish your work on the above platforms
This is the last step to publishing your work and you are completed. As you will be publishing more content know will understand how these platforms are working and what could be the next strategies you can use while publishing your work.
You can also read How to make a website