10 Proven Ways to Get 4000 Youtube Watch Hours in 2023

If you have a YouTube channel and you create content on it, then you already know the value and importance of YouTube watch hours. It is also one of the main factors to join the Youtube Partner Program. All you need to complete 4000 watch hours and have 1000 subscribers on your channel. 

So, In this article we will discuss the top 10 ways in 2023, how you can get 4000 watch hours in a short time.

Upload Content Consistently

Consistency is key to success in each and every field of work or in YouTube as well. However, if you want to gain an abnormal audience on YouTube, then you have to upload videos regularly on your channel. 

It does mean that you have to upload videos on a daily basis, but you have to follow a strict uploading schedule that helps you to keep the audience involved and doesn’t drop out. Also, YouTube always suggests the content on the basis of your watching history and other reasons. 

Thus, if you upload content regularly then it will be recommended to those viewers again and again, which will definitely increase your watching time and subscribers.

Video Length

People may think that long videos give higher watch time hours. But in reality, this is not true and it may backfire before the video ends if your analytics are analyzing that watchers are skipping the video. 

However, metrics are seen by YouTube, and the watchers who left your video, the less likely YouTube is to be allocated to more masses on the station. Thus, you should make short-length videos, which will definitely be fruitful for you.

Optimize Your Videos for Search

You need to optimize your video before uploading it on the platform. In other words, you should appropriate keywords in the filename. 

After optimizing your video well, you can upload your video on the platform. I will also suggest you to add relevant tags after looking through the top videos of your keywords. Hence, it will frequently elevate your video watch time.

Plan Your Video

Planning contributes to objectives. So, before making a video you need to plan the content properly. To elaborate, your process will include various steps such as your video title, creating a script, and deciding your shots. 

This planning process will definitely save you time and assist you in staying on the objective while shooting a video.

Create Custom Thumbnails for Your YouTube Videos

After filming and editing a video, in the next step, you need to decide on an appropriate thumbnail for it. The thumbnail needs to be alluring or attractive so that viewers can be pulled towards the video. 

Also, these thumbnails determine the overview or outlook of the video. Apart from this, the thumbnail of your video is considered to be the most essential success reason for top video clicks-by ratings.

Create Playlists

To get more hours of time on the platform, you can make YouTube playlists which can be easy or simple but productive. Moreover, this YouTube playlist is like a folder in which videos related to a particular title can be stored in the particular playlist for the viewers. 

In addition, when people visit your channel, they can easily see all your videos in the same place, which will avoid chaos or confusion for them.

Engage in the Comments

Usually, YouTubers underestimate the ability of the feedback box. But in actuality, the comment section is the medium to communicate with the subscribers and it is an easy way to encourage new watchers and influence them to subscribe to your channel. 

In this section you can engage these loyal subscribers in conversations, this will definitely lead to a successful YouTube channel. This can also help you to create a YouTube community to make your channel more strong.

Use Screen Cards and End Screens

You should also add YouTube end screens, which should have icons of your previous videos and your channel icon. 

So, if the viewer is interested then he/she can go through the suggestion given by you on the end screen. This will help you gain views on both videos (i.e. current video as well as previous videos). 

Due to this, watch time hours of your videos will be affected. 

Promote Your Videos on Social Media

After making the video, you need to share this video among the population. However, social media is considered the best publicity platform, where you can promote your channel or video. 

On social media you share your video worldwide for gaining more views and subscribers, due to which watching hours your video will be escalated.

Collaborate with Other YouTubers

Collaborating with other YouTubers is another way to grow your channel, which will definitely elevate your subscribers. 

To explain it further, each and every YouTuber has uncommon or unique subscribers, so if two or more YouTubers come on a platform together, where they can have an audience, by which they can gain subscribers, this will help them to grow their channels.

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